But there's so much more that's going on inside of me this year. What I'm thinking about, how I'm growing, what God is teaching me; sometimes I feel like I could burst. So, this blog is my attempt to start to sharing some of the deeper aspects of my life.
And here is what God said to me when I told him how angry I was.
"You are worthy of love."
"I am pursuing you."
"If you knew all the good things I have in store for you, you wouldn't spend one second being upset about the size of your cabin."
After that, I felt a little bit better. But sometimes when God speaks to me, I doubt if it's really Him, or if I'm just making it up. Fast forward several days later, my small group was taking turns praying for each other. The kind of listening prayer where everyone has paper and you write things down you think God might be saying for a specific person. Maybe you can see where this is going...here's one of the papers I received that night:
This note was written by someone I had never met before that evening. She didn't know anything about me, let alone what kinds of issues I was struggling with. But God used her to let me know I really did hear Him correctly.
And so those words have become one of my themes this year. I am worthy of love, even if I am single every day of my life. The God of the universe is pursuing me. And I can trust Him...actually I'm still working on the trust thing, but that is a story for another blog post.