From the mundane to the extraordinary, here is what's been happening on the Africa Mercy over the last few weeks.
My coffee and my calculator: just another typical day at work. |
Teaching percentages to my class of 6th graders |
In the Academy we celebrated "Favorite Book Character" day. I dressed up like Eponine from Les Miserables. |
Our deckies keep the ship well maintained |
Our surgeons faced some difficult orthopedic cases. |
An extraordinary transformation for Ulrich |
A weekend trip to the black sand beaches in Limbe, Cameroon
Limbe, Cameroon
We've been studying the book of Colossians in our Academy devotions. We spent time reflecting on what
it means to be "rooted and built up" in Christ (Col 2:6-7) and created artwork based on our reflections. |
The junior high & high schoolers spent 3 days off ship for our annual retreat.
Our theme was "Christ in you, the hope of glory" from Colossians. |
The teachers dressed up like characters from Aladdin to get students excited for
the retreat which included an Arabian Nights themed murder mystery game. |
One of the highlights of the retreat was a bonfire on the beach. We used bamboo sticks to roast hot dogs. |
Harmattan arrived early this year. It's not fog, that's sand in the air, blown in on the winds coming from the Sahara. |
Our Christmas celebrations include traditions from all over the world. This is Santa Lucia, a Scandinavian celebration. |
Christmas on the ship also includes our own craft fair/holiday market called Winter Wonderland. |
My friends Jamie, Lee-Anne and I used African fabric to make a variety of items to
sell at Winter Wonderland. We called ourselves The Scrappy Sisters. |
Steffi, Anne, and I decorated our cabin door for the Christmas door decorating contest. |
The math game I created to help students review for final exams. |
It's been a busy season and as first semester winds down, I am looking forward to Christmas break and some much needed rest and down time. I send you my warmest wishes for a joyous Christmas.