The Academy teachers did an informal teacher photo shoot! What a fun group to teach with!
We are ready for an adventure! |
The iconic Mercy Ships picture with the orange life ring...we had to do it! |
Another Mercy Ships must have: the jumping photo!
Check out these other highlights from the last few months on the ship.
Cabin 4331: Best cabin ever even if the only communal space is the hallway! |
My own Cameroonian style head wrap courtesy of one of our local day crew |
My lovely small group (minus 2 who have left the ship already) |
With such amazing African fabric all around, how can sewing not become a weekly hobby? |
My running buddy Rachel - she has kept me running consistently this year! |
Service project for pharmacy department with the 11th/12th graders. |
Hanging out with kids at a local orphanage |
Getting ready for Wacky Tacky Day |
Academy Wacky Tacky Day |
The fuel trucks are finally here! |
Good-bye Tam - my very first bunkmate on the ship in Madagascar
I'm going to miss this view! |
This is the season of goodbyes; as the field service winds down this month, every week more people depart - some for good, others for a much needed break before returning for the next field service in Guinea. Even though I'm not leaving until the end of June, my emotional season of good-byes started in April when Anne, one of my cabinmates left. It was a hard goodbye because Anne, Steffi, and I have shared the same cabin since Benin. Having the same roommates for 2 field services is quite unusual on the ship where many crew members are constantly coming and going.
In 2 weeks, the school year will end and I will say goodbye to about half of the teachers who will leave before we sail. The rest will stay for the sail and depart from the Canary Islands. All the emotions of saying goodbye are drawn out over these 3 months. It's like a band-aid that needs ripping off, but you can't take it off any faster.
The pain of goodbyes is intense but I remind myself of these wise words: